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Terms & Conditions

Our terms & conditions

The terms used in the first person, such as "we" and "our", refer to "OnTrip" or "Discover OnTrip SpA", which is a travel agency legally established in Chile, and domiciled at Tres Carrera 89, Los Andes. , Valparaíso region, acts as a tourist intermediary, through the offer of activities and tourist packages from certified tour operators around Chile, and all services related to this, which could include transportation, accommodation, food service, insurance traveling etc. OnTrip acts mainly as an intermediary between tourism service providers and the end user (Client), providing warm and professional advice for planning trips in Chile and offering a secure web sales channel. All trips offered here are subject to the standard terms and conditions of "OnTrip". This website works as a seller, advisor and online travel planner, which for reasons of capacity of our suppliers are subject to availability. To book a tour, the client does not have to send a reservation request, which will be reviewed and managed by the OnTrip team with the respective provider(s), superior response as soon as possible. There is the possibility of having the services available on the requested dates, as the opposite case. In the second case, if there is no availability on the requested date, the closest alternatives to what the client is looking for will be delivered. OnTrip offers tours of different durations, which can be for one or several days. The travel modalities offered can be tours previously designed by our tour operators or personalized trips by the client, where OnTrip designs the trip tailored to the client. Both will be operated by certified tour operators with whom OnTrip has an agreement. Please review the terms and conditions carefully before completing your reservation. The terms and conditions mentioned below make clear the fact that our obligations to the client are limited.

Prices, reservations and payment:

The final price calculated in the reservation or currency of the sale transaction will be in Chilean pesos, being the currency converter of the website only a display of the price in other currencies, that is, it does not change the currency of the sale transaction when choosing another currency. . The conversion rate is provided by XE. . To make the reservation, it is necessary to complete and send the Reservation Form, which will ask for the personal data of the owner of the reservation and other possible companions. After sending the reservation request for an activity, if available, an email confirming the activity will be sent within a moderate period, where the client can access a link that will lead them to the payment option for the total of the price, making the reservation of said activity effective. You will be provided with all the information related to the tour. In the event that the requested activity is not available, alternatives similar to those sought will be provided. The client must not pay for the activity until our team has successfully confirmed their reservation according to availability. This will be via email. Implicitly, it is implied that those interested in carrying out a tourist experience offered by us have read and accepted the Privacy Policy and the Terms and Conditions provided on this page on the OnTrip page, being their responsibility to be informed of are.

Cancellation / Change of trips

If you have to cancel your trip or want to make a change to it, the policy of action will depend strictly on the policies of each provider of our services. Each provider has different policies. OnTrip will do everything possible to take care of the interests of its clients, so when confirming the reservation request, the policy applied by the company of the selected service will be sent to you, so that you can read it carefully and make an informed purchase. We reserve the right to apply the return and cancellation policy of our providers to which the service corresponds.

OnTrip Cancellation

OnTrip reserves the right to cancel any trip at any time for any reason determined in our sole discretion, including if OnTrip believes that the quality of the trip or the safety of travellers has been compromised. In such event, reimbursement of payments received by OnTrip will constitute full and final settlement. In the event of cancellation, OnTrip is not responsible for any losses incurred due to non-refundable or transferable airline tickets or other unrecoverable travel costs that are outside of the booked tour package. OnTrip retains the sole discretion to conduct any trip notwithstanding the occurrence of any event or the existence of any condition at or near any travel location included in a travel itinerary, or in the vicinity of such location or affecting travel. , including air travel. If OnTrip determines in good faith to make a trip, then in the event of a cancellation of a trip or a traveler canceling a reservation, the refunds described in this subsection will not be made, but will be adjusted to the cancellation policy described in the previous paragraph.


OnTrip will have the power to restrict the performance of activities, to those subjects who do not meet the necessary conditions for the safe performance of an activity. These restrictions are highly dependent on those imposed by OnTrip activity providers. To carry out an activity, those under 18 years of age will have to have an authorization from the responsible adult (simple power of attorney) in case of attending alone. By accepting the terms and conditions, OnTrip is not legally responsible for any external inconvenience that could affect the integrity of travelers, assuming the implicit risk of the activities offered.

Preparing for your trip

Our trips aim to be an experience in nature, with adventure tourism activities and outdoor sports. Given the above, the tours offered by OnTrip carry certain risks that are beyond our control. Similarly, OnTrip will adopt all measures to mitigate any risk to the greatest degree possible. Foreign tourists must take into account the cultural change (standards of life, practices and customs) that their visit to another country may mean with respect to their country of origin, a situation which could represent a culture shock in some cases, so We expect tolerance, empathy and respect. We count on those travellers who participate in this adventure to make sure they are healthy and fit; follow our recommendations.

Travel documents and passport

The visa and passport requirements of the country you want to enter vary according to the nationality of each traveler and may change at any time for reasons beyond our control. It will be the responsibility of the traveler to comply with the regulations established by the country of destination. Although we strive to provide you with accurate information regarding these requirements, it remains the responsibility of each traveler to verify that they have the proper travel documents . OnTrip is not responsible for any expenses or costs arising from the prohibition of any traveler from entering a country scheduled to visit on a trip.

External travel services 

The services offered by OnTrip are operated by certified operators external to our organization, and although we strive to only work with companies that provide the highest levels of service quality, there is always a probability that the service will not meet your expectations, so which we do not guarantee the satisfaction of the services provided by third parties, leaving us exempt from any responsibility. OnTrip is not responsible for any injury, expense, or cost arising out of the services, or lack thereof, provided by a third party or the standards of care that travellers experience when using those services.


In the event that the client has a physical condition or disability that may create a danger for himself or other travellers, he must inform in a timely manner to evaluate the situation on a case-by-case basis and take the corresponding measures. To enter Chile, travellers must prove that they have the complete vaccination schedule in accordance with the measures in force at that time established by the health authorities.


Before taking a trip, we recommend that you review your Covid 19, travel and/or health insurance to ensure that you have adequate coverage to meet your needs and the needs of your family and dependents, in the event of illness, injury or death.


The trips offered by OnTrip are designed to take customers to places where facilities, infrastructure, security and other standards may not be sophisticated and may be different from those of a traveler's country of origin. Travel involves physical activity that can be demanding, depending on the condition of the traveler and the risk of serious personal injury, including permanent disability and death from accident, illness, or the actions or negligence of others. Medical facilities and services may not be easily accessible and may not be sophisticated. There are other risks associated with travel, such as theft or loss or damage to property.

Limitation of Liability

Waiver and Indemnification by accepting the privacy policies and terms and conditions of our page, the client gives consent to the points previously mentioned, leaving OnTrip exempt from any responsibility with the client in economic, physical or psychological matters.

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