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Do you know your city?

Become a local expert and offer quality tourist experiences in your area.
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Compare and share your data and register with us to know what we are talking about.

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Offer your services

Contact us through email or Whatsapp and we will get back to you.

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Try once and you will know how we do booking for your clients.

Register Here

What it means to be a local expert?
A local expert is an ordinary person, who carries out activities in their day to day that could become very interesting for another person who would be willing to pay to do it. It is not necessary to be an expert in tourism, you only need commitment, kindness and passion for tourism and culture.
Activities that can be very normal and everyday for you, for another person on another side of the world can mean a tourist activity of excellence.
We want to bring people closer to other people, taking advantage of the great tourist potential that they have and have not yet discovered it.
Would you like to host a tourist in the spare room of your house? Would you take him to know the most attractive and special places in your city or its surroundings? Do you dare to take someone to climb an interesting hill that you know? Or maybe you would like to take it for a walk to the beach for the weekend or for the day. If you're up for adventure, how about a surf lesson or a bike ride? Maybe you would like to take him to know the snow and even ski and offer him classes. How about taking your new friend to see the nightlife of your city?
We invite you to be part of the new tourism revolution.

Earn an additional income

Open your network

Practice your language

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