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Parque Nacional Villarrica - Araucanía / Los Ríos

It is one of the most visited parks due to its proximity to Pucón and its indisputable beauty. Araucaria forests, lakes and volcanoes. Of the latter, by the way, the Villarrica stands out, which gives its name to this wild area and which from time to time is felt when fumaroles come out of its crater. An experience both for those who see it from a distance and for those who choose to climb to its top.


  • Volcán Villarrica 

  • Glaciar de Pichillancahué 

  • Laguna Azul 

  • Volcán Quetrupillán 

  • Volcán Lanín 

  • Laguna Quilleihue 

  • Laguna Huinfiuca

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