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Famous for the grinning, tooth-like peaks that give the circuit its name, the isolated Los Dientes de Navarino route encompasses five bracing days of mountain passes, undisturbed landscapes, glassy lagoons and vast southern skies. This is a remote, adventurous route suited to trekkers chasing a stirring experience far from the crowds of Patagonia’s well-trodden trails.

Trip Highlights

• Trek the World’s Southernmost Route • Challenging, Multi-Day, Self-Sufficient Trek on Varying Terrain • Summit of Mt. Bettinelli • Unmatched Views of Cape Horn & the Beagle Channel • Visit Omora Ethnobotanical Park • Explore Puerto Williams, South America’s Southernmost Town • Fly Over Tierra del Fuego’s Impressive Darwin Mountain Range

From USD

$2.295 per person

Trip Length

6 Days

Trip Level

3 - Demanding

Start / End

Punta Arenas


Min 2 / Max 8 People









Day 0

Arrival to Punta Arenas – Welcome Dinner & Briefing with Guide in Punta Arenas The day prior to the start of your trek, enjoy an exquisite dinner in Punta Arenas along with your guide and other group members. After sharing a great meal and wonderful company, your guide will brief you on your journey and each day´s itinerary. Any questions you might have – our experienced professional guide will be there to assist! After dinner and the briefing, head back to your hotel or accommodation to rest prior to the start of this once in a lifetime trek the following day. *Prior to your trip, our operations department will confirm your meeting time and location in Punta Arenas!

Day 1

Fly to Isla Navarino – Summit Hike of Cerro Bandera to Laguna Salto

  • 1 hour flight

  • 4-5 hours hiking, 12km

  • Night at Laguna Salto Campsite (BL-D)

From Punta Arenas fly via light aircraft to Puerto Williams. During your flight, take in the drama of the Darwin Range’s glaciers and rock faces, the Magallanes Strait, Tierra del Fuego’s snaking canals and the imposing Beagle Canal. You won’t have to wait long to immerse yourself in Tierra del Fuego’s natural drama – your first day of trekking begins in a few short hours after orientation in Puerto Williams. Today, you’ll cross sloping beech forests to the summit of Cerro Bandera to reward yourself with views of the Beagle Canal, Puerto Williams, Valle Ukika, and Cerro Robalo (912m). Continue on to today’s campsite at Laguna Salto, accompanied by the serrated Los Dientes as you trek. At our first night´s wilderness camp we will share a warm meal and great company before turning in for the night.

Day 2

Mountain Pass Crossings – Paso Primero, Paso Australia, Paso Los Dientes – Descent Hike of Mount Bettinelli

  • 4-5 hours hiking 9km

  • Night at campsite at the base of Mount Bettinelli (B-BL-D)

Today’s route takes you through several mountain passes in the Circuit, starting with the small rocky pass at Paso Primero (705m), where year-round snow greets visitors at the entrance to the high valley. The trail follows creeks, loose rock, and lagoons, and provides no end of pause-worthy moments to take in the interplay of blue-green hued lagoons and imposing peaks. The next pass is Paso Australia, today’s highest point at 776m/805m, though the breath-catching tableaus from the top are not the day’s last. We’ll continue on to Paso Los Dientes, with dramatic views of the highest peak on Isla Navarino, Picacho Diente (1118m), and descend to our next camp at the base of Mount Bettinelli. After setting up camp, we hike to Bettinelli’s summit for more fantastic views of the Cape Horn archipelago.

Day 3

Trek Towards the Untouched Side of the Isla Navarino – Paso Guerrico to Laguna Martillo

  • 3-4 hour hiking, 8 km

  • Night at Camping Laguna Martillo (B-BL-D)

Shrub and native ñirre forests accompany you to Paso Ventarrón (696m), a blustery pass letting trekkers peer through the window to see Isla Navarino’s untouched side: the unexplored wild mountains behind the Dientes de Navarino. Continue on to Paso Guerrico before circling Laguna Hermosa and taking in the arresting views of Cerro Clem. Tonight, we will make camp at Laguna Martillo.

Day 4

Paso Virginia, the Circuit’s Highest Point – Laguna Los Guanacos

  • 3-5 hours hiking, 10.5 km

  • Night at Camping Laguna Los Guanacos (B-BL-D)

Begin today by circling Laguna Martillo and rock hopping on shores of Laguna Rocallosa. After descending towards some smaller lagoons, you’ll enter a section of sharply-inclined woods followed by a rocky ascent. This is the route to Paso Virginia, the highest point in your trek at 859m and keeper of arresting views of the Beagle Canal, Darwin Range, and Laguna Los Guanacos. After crossing the pass, you’ll begin a steep descent towards Laguna Los Guanacos. Relax, steady your feet and descend slowly.

Day 5

Laguna Los Guanacos to Puerto Williams

  • 2-3 hours hiking, 4 km

  • Night at Lakutaia Lodge or Errante EcoLodge (B-BL-D)

From Laguna Los Guancos descend towards its sister-lagoon, Laguna Las Guanacas. A river-crossing will take you to the entrance to some woods huddled at the base of rocky cliffs. Later, the route will cross Calafate berry-covered slopes and lead you once again to views of the Beagle Channel. Our final stretch today takes us through the Omora Ethnobotanical Park, an investigation and conservation center dedicated to research into the region’s native flora. Here, we’ll participate in a “miniature forest” experience, using magnifying glasses to peer into the teeny tiny world of lichen, liverworts, and moss. After arriving in Puerto Williams, stretch your legs as you explore the town. In the evening, enjoy a farewell dinner and night of restoring slumber at a guesthouse.

Day 6

Flight to Punta Arenas

  • 1 hour flight (B)

Tuck in to a well-deserved breakfast and congratulate yourself – you’ve completed the challenging Dientes de Navarino circuit! After check out, your return flight is waiting for you to take you back to Punta Arenas.


  • Welcome Dinner in Punta Arenas (Day 0)

  • Flight from Punta Arenas to Puerto Williams

  • All Private Transportation Indicated in Schedule

  • All Meals Indicated in Schedule (B: Breakfast, L: Lunch, BL: Box Lunch, D: Dinner, BBQ: Barbecue)

  • 4 Nights Wilderness Camping (4 season tents included, double occupancy)

  • Tents & Cooking Utensils

  • 1 Porter to Carry the Portable Toilet

  • 1 Night at Puerto Williams (Lakutaia Lodge or Errante Ecolodge) (based on double occupancy standard rooms)

  • Guide (English-Spanish Languages) Guide Ratio: 1:4 Guests (second guide will be a local guide from the island)

  • Satellite Phone (Inreach by Garmin)


  • Accommodations in Punta Arenas or Any Additional Nights

  • Medical Expenses

  • Insurance of Any Kind

  • Personal Expenses

  • Sleeping Bag and/or Mattress or Liner

  • Porters to Carry Personal Belongings (including sleeping bag and mat)

  • Alcoholic & Non-Alcoholic Drinks Except those Included in the Menus

  • Gratuities for Guide/s & Porters



When we go off the beaten path, we must camp in places without modern facilities. We provide all the camping gear necessary for the most comfortable remote experience. Camping gear is provided to guests including tents (double occupancy), compact cooking utensils, & portable camp chair. The camping gear, food and cooking utensils must be shared among the group and each person will carry in total between 17 – 20 kgs (34 – 44 Lbs). Each group will have a porter who will carry the portable camping toilet


Located near the end of the Dientes trek, this seafront lodge built by a young couple is steeped in Fuegian nature. The design is modern and sleek, with solar energy, central heating and thick down duvets. Rooms sport giant windows overlooking the Beagle Channel. There are also bikes for rent and wonderful dinners served at a shared table.


Lakutaia Lodge is a cozy lodge strategically located on the Navarino Island. It also has been considered by the ONG Conservation Internacional as one of the 37 most wild and pristine places on the earth. This lodge has 24 comfortable rooms with a private bathroom, a security box, central heating, and internet. The restaurant offers exceptional international and regional cuisine and there are extensive spaces for a comfortable stay including a complete library where guests can consult all topics related to the ethnic, botanical, fauna and geography of the Austral end.

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